
Below are pictures of a variety of backsplashes to give you ideas. For more ideas, including mural tiles, Google on backsplash for more pictures and web sites about backsplashes. In general, smaller ceramic tiles cost more than larger ones, but for the relatively little tile used on backsplashes, the somewhat higher cost should not be that much of a factor. Installation cost will be higher for more tile cuts required, for fancy patterns, and ornate embellishments and inserts. Exotic glass tiles, especially the very small ones, can cost a lot.

Click here to see how Judy's backsplash came about and the problems we had with it.

First is a look that I think is very plain:
Same layout of tiles, but the variety of colors adds interest:

Tiles in a diamond pattern break the monotony even more:

Large (6") tiles only work in large areas.
Smaller (4") tiles, diamond pattern with a "brick" top border: Also note the row of darker tiles near the top.

Tiles in a diamond pattern with a "brick" top and bottom: Tiles in a diamond pattern set into a background of straight tiles:

Variety of embellishments add interest and cost:
Mosaic tiles (especially glass ones) are the most expensive,
but they come on sheets of mesh and are not difficult to install

Solid granite backsplash matching the countertop:

Granite tiles for the backsplash can be used to achieve the same look at a lower
cost if a close enough match to the countertop granite can be found.

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