Red Buckeye

Aesculus pavia

Red Buckeye is a commonly seen wild bush/tree in Arkansas. They can get over 6' tall with an equal spread.

The Buckeye is propagated from seeds.

The seeds cannot be picked from the trees until they have a crack in the shell, around October.

Some wooded areas around us have Buckeyes growing wild. We pick some seeds, put them in pots (around November)
and wheel them in and out of the garage all winter.

A lot of the plants are given to the Garland County Master Gardeners for their annual spring plant sale.
Some are given to friends. The rest are planted around our house, including many in the side lot:

This baby Buckeye already sports a red bloom on top its first year up.

Though Buckeyes grow fine in the wild on their own, we have planted many Buckeyes on the edge of wooded areas up our street and on the far back edges of our property and most of them did not survive, yet many were planted in our side lot and they all survived. That lot has good soil and we watered the new plants the first year until they were established.