spikes of pure white flowers, 18-36" tall, bloom
in mid to late summer. Hardy bulbs, like the
popular White Blazing Star, produce long-lived
flowers and foliage that tend to grow larger and
multiply annually for years of beauty. And because
the bulbs can stay in the ground, hardy bulbs
naturalize very well. Plant 12-24" apart. 8-10 cm
bulbs. Liatris spicata ‘Alba’
Form: 1' Stiff bottle-brush of dense
flowers at top of each spike, opening at the top
first and continues blooming downward.
Color: White.
Date: Mid to late summer.
Requirements: Performs best in full sun,
but will tolerate shade.
Requirements: Well-drained, moderately
fertile, sandy soil/tolerates excess soil
moisture in summer but not in winter.
Rate: Moderate
Characteristics: Long lived perennial
bulb, that increasingly multiplies in size. A
favorite of florist's, outstanding cut flower
that has a long vase life. Great textured plant,
that starts with fine grass like foliage, and
becomes sharper with the vibrant colored bottle
brush blooms.
purchased 3 of this plant 3-4 years ago. It grew
faster then I thought it would. I divided it
last year. From three plants I got 15. I put
them under my Washington Haththorn tree. They
look absolutely wonderful under the tree. They
do not seem to mind the shade at all. I think
the blooms last longer then in full sun. No
disappointment from this customer.