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Chipmunk and squirrel
Chipmunk on bird feeder pole
Buck on our street.
Deer in our back yard.
Donkey feeding time on bike ride.
Hard to see, but it's flying squirrels in the bird feeder at night.
Fox running down our street.
Fox at the Coronado Fitness Center
Lizard smelling a flower.
Hummingbird moth
Golden Eye moth
Rabbit on our deck.
Raccoon on our deck.
Copperhead sunning on our sidewalk -
after Kay had walked over it without noticing it!
Copperhead at Lake Coronado.
Angry snake.
Coachwhip snake.
This snake had a small copperhead AND a frog in his mouth side-by-side.
"Do you mind? I'm trying to take a nap."
An HSV "Meerkat"
Squirrel sunning.
Relaxing after a meal.
Pole dancing or: "He'll never see me behind this feeder pole.".

Three baffles and he still got the seed.
"My turn!!"
The End.